Social prescribing can link you with services within the community to support you to improve your health & wellbeing. They can help with:
- Housing or money issues
- Wellbeing & emotional support – links with community groups
- Loneliness
- Meaningful social activities
What we do
We can link patients with services and activities within their community to improve their social, economic and mental wellbeing by;
- Giving patients an opportunity to discuss what is important to them.
- Link you patients with appropriate services within their community to support them to achieve their goals.
- Provide patients with their own wellbeing coordinator who will help to plan their next steps.
HEROES Programme
An innovative holistic treatment programme which offers a recovery-focused and trauma-informed approach to mental health recovery.
The HEROES programme – which stands for ‘Healing, Education and Recovery of Emotional Strength’ – is an eight-week, 20-hour therapeutic group work programme which will be available to patients at GP practices within the Central North Leeds Primary Care Network.
More information on the programme can be found at