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MAEcare event Posted or Updated on 17 Aug 2023

Staff from the PCN attended the MAEcare Digital Health Hub event on 19th July to provide support to local patients seeking help using online ways of accessing their practice. The event focussed on digital access and in the first session we looked at the NHS App. We provided guidance and support on how to download and access the NHS App and worked with attendees to get them set up and successfully using the NHS App. In the second part we looked at the new online access tool PATCHs, which is now being used by all practices in our PCN. PATCHs is a quick and easy way to access your surgery online and provides a means of sending messages, booking appointments and order prescriptions. This service is available at all our practices and can be accessed from your practice website. Overall, the MAEcare event was well attended and everyone felt much more comfortable using the online systems by the end of the event.